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Author: Arielle

  • How Many Blog Posts Per Week Should a New Blogger Write?

    How Many Blog Posts Per Week Should a New Blogger Write?

    Last week, I was talking to a friend who is finally creating their own niche blog. She wanted to know if she should create a writing schedule and if so, how many blog posts per week. It is no secret that the more posts you have the more chances you have of getting traffic –…

  • Do Internal Links Help With SEO?

    Do Internal Links Help With SEO?

    Internal linking is one of the most important aspects of any website’s SEO. However, they are very underrated and literally millions of blogs overlook them. This article will cover how to do internal links, why they are so valuable for websites, and what you need to do if you want to do them correctly. Firstly,…

  • “When Should I Hire A Writer For My Website?”

    “When Should I Hire A Writer For My Website?”

    So today I spent way longer than I usually do writing a blog post. I actually started structuring it the night before, and with the events of the day (family Zoom chat, my new air fryer arriving, food shopping, parenting etc. etc…) it has just dragged out. It was a new type of post, and,…

  • How to Write a Blog Post that Google Loves

    How to Write a Blog Post that Google Loves

    This is an article about how to write a blog post that Google loves. It’s not as easy as it seems. As you want to write a post that is a combination of engaging for the reader and optimized to cover a specific keyword that Google will rank you for. This is sometimes difficult because…

  • Going From 2 to 3 Babies Financially

    Going From 2 to 3 Babies Financially

    So, here is the thing. I am not somebody who thinks children cost a ridiculous amount of money. (And I am somebody who likes to splurge on educational tech, science experiments, books, and all sorts of gameschooling apps.) So going from 2 to 3 babies financially was not a huge concern for me. What was…

  • Getting Set Up (Domain, Hosting, WordPress)

    Getting Set Up (Domain, Hosting, WordPress)

    So, you’ve chosen your low competition niche, you have done a bunch of keyword research, and have some juicy KGR keywords ready and waiting to be turned into some money-earning blog posts, awesome! So far so good! In this post, I am going to run you through getting set up. This includes: Buying a domain…